Safety, Preventative Maintenance and Environmental Issues

Physical Safety

Secure cables
Using caution when lifting items
Ground one’s self
Ergonomics to prevent carpal tunnel
Don’t touch hot components

Preventative Maintenance Procedures - to prolong the life of your PC, you simply must inspect and clean it regularly.

ESD - Electrostatic discharge is the release of static electricity when two objects come into contact, it is a permanent damage. Many electronic devices are susceptible to ESD events. It takes for a typical PC component to be damage by ESD is 30 volts.

Electrostatic Discharge
Precautions, Procedures and Grounding one's self

Types of ESD Protection Devices

ESD Wrist Strap
Ankle Straps
Anti-Static Mats
Touch the Metal Chassis
ESD Gloves
ESD Anti-Static Bag

Handle Components properly, Antistatic wipes/sprays, keep feet stationary, work in non carpeted areas, raise the humidity, remove jewelry, wear protective clothing such as rubber soled shoes, and do not use a vacuum cleaner.

Surge Protector and Voltage Regulation - A surge protector filters out surges and spikes, and a voltage regulator maintains uniform voltage during a brownout (low power). 

UPS- Uninterruptible Power Supply
aka Battery Backup Device, A device that provides battery backup when the electrical power fails or drops to an unacceptable voltage level or no power (blackout). Types of UPS include Standby, Line Interactive & Online UPS.

EMI - Electro Magnetic interference is the disruption of an electronic device when it is in the vicinity of an electromagnetic field in the radio frequency spectrum that is cause d by another device. Unlike ESD, EMI is a temp state. RFI (Radio Frequency Interference)

PC Maintenance

Cleaning the Interior of a PC use compress air or non-static vacuum
Clean with a bit of Water and a Damp Cloth – use on external component of computers

Lint-Free Cloths
- Lint-free cloths are excellent for removing dust from your computer.

Potential Hazards and Proper Safety Procedures - For computer electrical fire you are going to use a type C or Multiclass ABC fire extinguisher.

Disposal Procedures and Environmental Guidelines - Many computer components, such as batteries, CRTs, chemical solvents, and toner kits (for printers), contain harmful ingredients. Don’t throw these items in the garbage! Many of these items can be recycled, and a hazardous waste program can remove most.

MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheets is documents use to properly handle hazardous materials